Welcome to It-Slav.Net blog
Peter Andersson

I've already got a female to worry about. Her name is the Enterprise.
-- Kirk, "The Corbomite Maneuver", stardate 1514.0

In my opinion the only install and forget OS is released in a new version.
Their slogan “Only two remote holes in the default install, in more than 10 years!”
tells what it is all about.
Every release has a song, very often with an ironic touch.
Take a look at the OpenBSD 4.4 changes, download and install.

Buy a CD set or a T-shirt to support this excellent project.

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Filled Under: Geek stuff, OpenBSD

Book reviews
FreePBX 2.5
Powerful Telephony Solutions

Asterisk 1.6
Build a feature rich telephony system with Asterisk

Learning NAGIOS 3.0

Cacti 0.8 Network Monitoring,
Monitor your network with ease!