Welcome to It-Slav.Net blog
Peter Andersson

I've already got a female to worry about. Her name is the Enterprise.
-- Kirk, "The Corbomite Maneuver", stardate 1514.0

This article describe howto get a 1-wire humidity probe to work with Nagios or op5 Monitor. In an earlier article I have described a 1-wire temperature plugin. Pre requriments To get it working you need: 1-wire humidity probe i.e. this, it is based on DS2438 & HIH-4000 A working owfs installation, instructions can be found […]


Most unix or Linux admins come across regular expressions occasionally. It is very powerful to handle text with and if you have understood it once it is handy to have an on-line reference source to quickly to lookup the syntax for what you want todo. My problem is that I always forget the syntax 🙂 […]

Filled Under: Uncategorized

This article describe howto monitor an Asterisk server with Nagios or op5 Monitor. Pre-req to get it running is a working Nagios or op5 Monitor installation and an Asterisk 🙂 Theory In my implementation of Asterisk I have a couple of softphones, 2 hardphones and connections to two SIP providers. I want to monitor the […]


The most common way if keeping track of the time in a computer is by counting the seconds since the day Unix was born, i.e. Jan 1 1970. This is called Unix Epoch and is used in all Posix system, including Windows. Feb 13 23:31:30 UTC is it 1234567890 seconds since Epoch, this is worth […]

Filled Under: Uncategorized

It-Slav.net is proud to announce as one of the temperature providers to temperatur.nu It-slav.net provides temperature measurement for STHLM/Huddinge area in Sweden to the very popular site temperatur.nu The measurment is done by a 1-wire temperature probe DS18S20.

I’ve got a hint from a partner to take a peak at http://folk.uio.no/trondham/software/check_openmanage.html It describes How-To monitor Dell hardware with Nagios, of course it works perfectly well with op5 Monitor aswell.


My firewall get alot of failed ssh logins. This is a typical log message in /var/log/authlog Feb  9 20:15:49 pedro sshd[30934]: Failed password for root from port 35603 ssh2 Feb  9 20:15:49 pedro sshd[2656]: Received disconnect from 11: Bye Bye Feb  9 20:15:51 pedro sshd[15299]: Failed password for root from port 35753 […]


Today I had to do some electrical work at home. The consequence was that my internet connection was down for about 20 minutes because my ADSL modem did not have any power. My Nagios based op5 Monitor system discovered this directly and reported to me. I forgot to schedule this as planed downtime so I […]

This guide describe howto install and configure SNMP on Ubuntu. In an earlier article I have described howto set it up on RHES or CentOS, it is slightly different in Ubuntu.     1.Installation root@ibsen:~# sudo apt-get install snmpd Reading package lists… Done Building dependency tree       Reading state information… Done The following packages were automatically […]


Sometimes I ask myself why does not person X living in country Y not answer the phone or email. When I try the switchboard nobody answer. Maybe they have a holiday in that part of the world. A tool to find that out is “Earth Calendar” http://www.earthcalendar.net/ So mabe the reason that my blog dropped […]

Filled Under: Hints, Links

Book reviews
FreePBX 2.5
Powerful Telephony Solutions

Asterisk 1.6
Build a feature rich telephony system with Asterisk

Learning NAGIOS 3.0

Cacti 0.8 Network Monitoring,
Monitor your network with ease!