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Peter Andersson

I've already got a female to worry about. Her name is the Enterprise.
-- Kirk, "The Corbomite Maneuver", stardate 1514.0


As an increasing number of system administrators turn to mobile devices to access information on server and network status, the number of mobile security attacks are drastically increasing. op5 addresses the issues by introducing a secure mobile app, offering IT staff a convenient and safe path to mobile server monitoring.


Accessing your Nagios-based monitoring system from an app in your smartphone is a convenient, fast and flexible way to stay on top of things. The problem is that a vast majority of the monitoring apps currently available in Google Play rely on the 10 year old CGI script to enable this functionality. This presents many security vulnerabilities, documented in numerous security reports across the open source community

explains Jan Josephson, CTO at op5.




Not only does the lack of security in mobile applications encourage an increased number of attacks; mobile devices are also by nature more likely to be stolen or lost. Unsecured mobile monitoring apps can give intruders direct access to central monitoring solutions, in most cases directly connected to the organisations’ most vital IT and business systems.


The op5 Monitor App addresses the security issues by giving IT-staff mobile access to the op5 Monitor system using REST API and SSL Certificate Validation. From the app, system administrators can both acknowledge and comment on all events directly from their Android phone or tablet, and can therefore address upcoming issues without the need to return to their desk. With the help of the powerful filter view function of op5 Monitor users tailor the user lay-out to their individual needs.


The op5 Monitor App is available in Google Play now.

Support for IOS v7 and higher will be available on iStore during August.








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