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Peter Andersson

I've already got a female to worry about. Her name is the Enterprise.
-- Kirk, "The Corbomite Maneuver", stardate 1514.0

Around Christmas I get a little bit nostalgic and could not resist founding a kickstarter project regarding Retrogaming.


RaspiBoy is a handheld emulation console based on raspberry pi zero.

The idea came when the founder saw internet projects of “GameBoyZero”, awesome raspberry pi based consoles. He was amazed, but it looked pretty difficult to build one, it was a 3 months work and over 100€ for all components! And last, you need an old gameboy to rip open.

RaspiBoy is conceived such that everything fits together perfectly and the build is a 5 minutes task without soldering!

If you are interested in founding the project take a peak at Raspi Boy

Filled Under: Uncategorized


As a computer geek and a sailor I want to have navigation system on-board. The obvious choice is OpenCPN which is an opensource navigation system.
When it comes to hardware it is a little bit more tricky. A balance between money and what you get. I have for several years wanted a Panasonic Thoughbook but they cost alot. It is hard to motivate that price when it will be used just a few weeks during the summer. After browsing ebay I find a used Panasonic Thoughbook CF-19
for a reasonable price, €170 incuding shipping form Germany. I have to live with that the keyboard is not Swedish. When the computer arrived I found that it was equipped with a builtin GPS reciever. That is very handy 😉
This article describes howto get the builtin GPS receiver working with gpsd.

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As an increasing number of system administrators turn to mobile devices to access information on server and network status, the number of mobile security attacks are drastically increasing. op5 addresses the issues by introducing a secure mobile app, offering IT staff a convenient and safe path to mobile server monitoring.


Accessing your Nagios-based monitoring system from an app in your smartphone is a convenient, fast and flexible way to stay on top of things. The problem is that a vast majority of the monitoring apps currently available in Google Play rely on the 10 year old CGI script to enable this functionality. This presents many security vulnerabilities, documented in numerous security reports across the open source community

explains Jan Josephson, CTO at op5.



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As a happy owner of a pebble watch I want my op5 Monitor notifications to it. This is a simple guide howto get notifications sent directly tt a pebble watch. My phone is an Android and probably there is similar ways of getting it working on iphone aswell. The guide will work on Nagios and Naemon and other forks that has popped up the last years.


Phone app

I found a pebble app that could recive notifications via a sinple API: Pebble Connect

Install it and choose a good userid and usertoken.

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My latest gizmo in the basement is a Netgear ReadyNAS RN104. Of cource I want to monitor it so I can be sure that it is healthy. This article describe howto monitor the RN104 by using SNMP.

The implementation monitors:

  • Disk status/temperature
  • CPU temperature
  • Fan status/speed
  • Network status
  • Admin GUI status


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I wanted to have a LCD display on my desk showing the status of my monitor system. At the same time op5 created a competition with the coolest implementation of Raspberry PI and op5 Monitor. These things together made me getting started with my project.

The result can be seen in this video


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I'm real disappointed at Samsung handling when it comes to update of my tablet.


I bought the best Android tablet on the market in October 2011, it was a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1" with 3G, GT-P7500.  According to information from Samsung they would provide Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich as soon as possible. The main reason why I payed over 460EUR for the device was that I wanted to have the possibilty to run Ice Cream Sandwich on it as soon as possible.


After 14 months I'm still waiting.


During the summer 2012 Samsung started to roll out Ice Cream Sandwich on the Galaxy Tab 10.1" around the globe. On the Samsung webpage they planed to roll out in Q4 2012 in Sweden.

I have written a several times to Samsung and asked why I still cannot upgrade my Tablet and the answer I've got is that the bundle I have will be possible to update anyday. 


Samsung, it is NOT acceptable to wait over a year for an upgrade on a device that has a lifetime of 2 years. 


My next tablet will be a Nexus.

Filled Under: Android


My son got the amazing game Minecraft as a birthday present. Of course I think I should provide the service to him and his friends to have a couple of minecraftservers to be able to play together.

Soon it became business critical and I started to think about how to monitor that the Minecraft server is up and running. After searchin Internet I did not find anything that worked so I decided to write my own.

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The Red Herring editorial team selected the 2012 Top 100 Europe. This exceptional group of companies are among the most innovative, unique and promising companies selected from a pool of hundreds from across Europe. The Top 100 were evaluated on both quantitative and qualitative criteria, such as financial performance, technology innovation, quality of management, IP creation, CAGR, execution of strategy, and disruption in their respective industries.

–end cut–

Read more at: http://www.redherring.com/startups/top-100-europe-revelaed/

The list can be found at: http://www.redherring.com/red-herring-europe/europe-2012-top-100/


I sometimes get the question if I have any tips on a op5 Monitor alarm console. I stumbled on the possibility to use irc to present the alerts generated by op5 Monitor or Nagios. A nice feature is that the number of connected clients can be very many, severla systems can send all alerts to the same irc channel and best of all, it's geeky.

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Book reviews
FreePBX 2.5
Powerful Telephony Solutions

Asterisk 1.6
Build a feature rich telephony system with Asterisk

Learning NAGIOS 3.0

Cacti 0.8 Network Monitoring,
Monitor your network with ease!