There are several ways of monitor a wordpress blog by using Nagios or op5 Monitor.
WordPress uses the following parts to work:
- Webserver frontend
- PHP scripts
- MySQL database backend
- At least one system to run it on
I found one article describing howto monitor the Webserver and the MySQL database and even that a certain webpage contain a certain phrase. But I would like to emulate a user that clicks on some pages and graph the performance.
The tool I like for in-depth web monitoring is webinject. It allows scripting a simulated web user with alot of features.
I recommend to read the excellent how-to written by op5 support team and of cource use webinjects reference manual.
The testcase I’ve created looks like this:
<testcases repeat="1"> <case id="1" description1="Startsidan" method="get" url="" verifypositive="An It-Slave in the digital saltmine" /> <case id="2" description1="Nagios or op5 Monitor plugin for 1-wire humidity measurement" method="get" url="" verifypositive="1-wire humidity probe" /> <case id="3" description1="op5 Monitor or Nagios plugin for 1-wire temperature measurement" method="get" url="" verifypositive="check_1-wiretemp" /> <case id="4" description1="Wp-Admin" method="get" url="" verifyresponsecode="301" /> </testcases>
And when run in Nagios mode:
[root@op5 webinject]# ./ -c config.xml testcases/wordpressblog.xml WebInject OK - All tests passed successfully in 4.143 seconds |time=4.143;10;;0
In checkcommands.cfg:
# command 'check_webinject' define command{ command_name check_webinject command_line $USER1$/webinject/ testcases/$ARG1$ } In services.cfg:
# service 'Webinject Blog' define service{ use default-service host_name dull service_description Webinject Blog check_command check_webinject!wordpressblog.xml contact_groups it-slav_sms,it-slav_mail,call_it-slav }
This is a nice pnp graph of my Webinject check:
- Webinject
- op5 Webinject Howto
- Nagios
- op5 Monitor
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