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Peter Andersson

I've already got a female to worry about. Her name is the Enterprise.
-- Kirk, "The Corbomite Maneuver", stardate 1514.0

UPDATE 2014-07-07:

op5 has released a native mobile app that are secure and uses op5 Monitor APIs. Please read more at:




With my new and fancy HTC Desire I wanted to look at my Nagios or op5 Monitor status. I have found two apps Nagroid and NagMonDroid.


NagMonDroid did I not get working, probably because op5 Monitor only uses https as protocol.


Nagroid works like a charm:


The configuration is rather straightforward:

3 Responses to “Android app for Nagios or op5 Monitor”

  1. op5 Monitor on Android and iPhone « The Network Monitoring Monologue Says:

    […] is usefull and free but very basic. You will find a short guide for the configuration of Nagroid for op5 Monitor here, thank you IT-slaven for the […]

  2. Bjorne Says:

    This was a good guide on setting up Nagdroid on Android the only thing I found was a catch was the Url I used the https://SERVERNAME/monitor/cgi-bin address but after trying to get that to work i looked closer at your line and found the .old in there and that worked fine.
    Thanks for a great post and a interesting site.

  3. Tim Says:

    I have tested this 2 apps + 2 more i found in the market. After some testing i found that TiNag serves me best and works with my https certificate.

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