Welcome to It-Slav.Net blog
Peter Andersson

I've already got a female to worry about. Her name is the Enterprise.
-- Kirk, "The Corbomite Maneuver", stardate 1514.0

Presenting collected Nagios data has been cumbersome. But now with op5 added funtionality, storing the data in a database makes it much easier. Morten Bekkelund has created a nice dashboard typically used in NOCs. The dashboard has been modified and improved by the community and an example can be seen at op5 sandbox dashboard and […]

Background When I was preparing a presentation about what op5 is doing and our contribution to the community, I went to ideas.nagios.org. When I browsed the list of the biggest issues with Nagios I found out that op5 has packaged and solved them all in op5 Monitor. I encourage everyone to take a peak at the list […]

UPDATE 2014-07-07: op5 has released a native mobile app that are secure and uses op5 Monitor APIs. Please read more at: http://www.it-slav.net/blogs/2014/07/07/op5-releases-mobile-app-for-secure-monitoring-on-mobile-devices/     With my new and fancy HTC Desire I wanted to look at my Nagios or op5 Monitor status. I have found two apps Nagroid and NagMonDroid.  

  Background It is always a good idea to monitor the server hardware, in many cases the root cause of the probblem is hardware related like: a fan stops and the temperature gets to high, dust in the machine makes it to hot, disks that fails, memory corruption and so on.  This article will describe […]

  Background At op5 we often run into BizTalk at customer sites as a business critical application. We have done an investigation and come up with a plugin  to monitor BizTalk. To fully understand this document BizTalk knowledge is necessary.

Background I was reading the Swedish computer magazine, Tech World. There was an article about an appliance solution that could give a report about unused switch ports. The box PortIQ from Infoblox costs approximatly 10.000 Euro. op5 has developed this feature at a customer site and is included with op5 Monitor, op5 has published the code […]

Background This article will describe how easy it is to integrate other tools to Nagios or op5 Monitor. I will use an example with a webshop where a business view of how the webshop is doing is implemented by using a GPL’d rule engine, NodeBrain. I have in an earlier article described the ruleset for this […]

  Next week, op5 will release the new Nagios GUI called Ninja. The license is GPL and several people has reported the GUI work perfectly well on vanilla Nagios. Ninja uses a database backend. Merlin, another op5 developed software feeds the Nagios information into the database. Links: op5 -OpenSource based management software company Ninja– Nagios […]

In a contest Nagios won as the best system monitoring tool: http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2009/09/top-5-best-network-monitoring-tools/


I noticed that my blog become slower and slower by using op5 Monitor and webinject, see previous article. From installation 2.5 seconds to over 7.5 seconds to run my testcases. The most annoying was that the it was a very linear increase see graphs below. My first try was to tune MySQL By installing wp-cache […]

Book reviews
FreePBX 2.5
Powerful Telephony Solutions

Asterisk 1.6
Build a feature rich telephony system with Asterisk

Learning NAGIOS 3.0

Cacti 0.8 Network Monitoring,
Monitor your network with ease!