Welcome to It-Slav.Net blog
Peter Andersson

I've already got a female to worry about. Her name is the Enterprise.
-- Kirk, "The Corbomite Maneuver", stardate 1514.0

  We would like to meet with you on an op5 Inspiration Day in September. It will be a day with topics like IT operations, cloud monitoring, virtualization, outsourcing and how to get control of everything in an easy way. The most important thing is to meet and listen to other users, hear about the […]

https://bugs.op5.com/ is now also open for external users to sign up. By signing up you can post bug and feature requests, post bug-notes etc. Before doing so, please check out the "How to Submit Bug/Feature" documentation available from within the bug tracker. Note: op5 opensource projects Merlin, Ninja and Nacoma are for now available as […]

I will be running a demo of op5 products at thursday April 23:th 16:00 CET. The demo is hosted by Collax a op5 partner in Germany. If you want to attend, register at: http://www.collax.com/de/ueber-collax/events-collax-live/webcast-collax-monitoring-solution.html

Today we release op5 LogServer 3.4, a minor release containing the following features and fixes. Code refactoring and bug fixes Possibility to turn on and off full text indexing Speed and robustness improvements to the query logic


op5 are proud to announce that op5 have released op5 Logserver 3.3.0 This is a minor upgrade. Whats new? Summary Reports Bidirectional editing of filters Hierarchical filters Configurable deafult filter per user Bugfixes Read more about it in the release-notes and changelog

This guide is a step by step guide howto integrate op5 Monitor with op5 Logserver. Background I would like to have an alert if root has logged into my firewall. I think this is very important to know fast and where ever I am so I want a SMS sent to my cellphone. I have […]

Book reviews
FreePBX 2.5
Powerful Telephony Solutions

Asterisk 1.6
Build a feature rich telephony system with Asterisk

Learning NAGIOS 3.0

Cacti 0.8 Network Monitoring,
Monitor your network with ease!