Welcome to It-Slav.Net blog
Peter Andersson

I've already got a female to worry about. Her name is the Enterprise.
-- Kirk, "The Corbomite Maneuver", stardate 1514.0

I noticed that my blog become slower and slower by using op5 Monitor and webinject, see previous article. From installation 2.5 seconds to over 7.5 seconds to run my testcases. The most annoying was that the it was a very linear increase see graphs below. My first try was to tune MySQL By installing wp-cache […]

Op5 has written an excellent article howto monitor Esx3.x, ESXi, vSphere 4 and vCenter Server with op5 Monitor. This article is op5 Monitor centric but op5 Monitor is based on Nagios so this article can be used to implement Nagios vmware monitoring. The plugin used to gather the information is GPLd and developed by op5. […]

An interesting article describing howto use Skype to send SMS notification for Nagios or op5 Monitor can be find here: http://wiki.nagios.org/index.php/SkypeSmsNotification My recommendation is to use an GSM modem to send SMS, because if the network is down no SMS can be sent with this solution and SMS is normally used as an alternative alarm […]

Background I use MythTV quite frequently and noticed that it is instable when using sasc-ng as a decoder to decrypt encrypted DVB-T channels. So approximatly every third day the MythTVbackend server stops and need to be started again. I have wriiten an earlier article about howto monitor MythTV with Nagios or op5 Monitor so I […]


op5 develops plugins for op5 Monitor, based on Nagios. As a courtesy to the community the plugins developed are free and can be downloaded from: http://www.op5.org/community/projects/op5-plugins The plugins is also located in a Git repository and can be checked out from: http://git.op5.org/git/

The Merlin project was initially started to create an easy way to set up distributed Nagios installations allowing Nagios processes to exchange information directly as an alternative to the standard nagios way using NSCA. When starting the Ninja project we realised that we could continue the work on Merlin and adopt the project to function […]


Demo of how the Nagios based network monitoring tool op5 Monitor works and how easy it is to use. This part contains demo of the reports module and how to make SLA reports.

Filled Under: Nagios, op5, op5 Monitor

Background This article describes how to monitor an IPSEC tunnel running on OpenBSD. I could not find any plugin already done so I created my own. The pre req. for this article are: A working Nagios or op5 Monitor setup A IPsec VPN tunnel running on OpenBSD A working NRPE agent at the OpenBSD box


A demo of the benefits with op5 Monitor and what you can monitor with this Nagios based network monitoring tool. This first part gives a short introduction and overview of the tool.

Filled Under: Nagios, op5, op5 Monitor

I will be running a demo of op5 products at thursday April 23:th 16:00 CET. The demo is hosted by Collax a op5 partner in Germany. If you want to attend, register at: http://www.collax.com/de/ueber-collax/events-collax-live/webcast-collax-monitoring-solution.html

Book reviews
FreePBX 2.5
Powerful Telephony Solutions

Asterisk 1.6
Build a feature rich telephony system with Asterisk

Learning NAGIOS 3.0

Cacti 0.8 Network Monitoring,
Monitor your network with ease!