After got the 1-wire stuff working it is time to use the temperature probes to get some use of measuring your environment. This article describe how you can create an op5 Monitor or Nagios plugin to monitor your temperatures.
Read my previous articles to get the 1-wire bus up and running:
- 1-wire
- 1-wire getting started
- Temperature graphs
I found a 1-wire temperature Nagios plugin on internet, but it had some disadvantages:
- Used Fahrenheit instead of Celsius
- Did not accept thresholds below zero degrees, in Sweden that is quite common temperature during winter.
- Strange License, it just said Copyright and a name and email address that bounced.
The Nagios plugin was written in Perl so it was straight forward to modify and fix the obstacles I found. But the copyright bothered me because I wanted to publish the changes, I tried to email the email address I found in the script but it bounced, so I decided to write my own plugin.
I have published the script at nagiosexchange.
The files
The plugin check_1-wiretemp version 1.0 can be found here or below.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Check temperature of 1Wire device # Requires use of owfs # # By Peter Andersson # # # Licence GPLv2 # Version 1.0 use strict; use Getopt::Std; use OW; my $owserver = ""; my(%ERRORS) = ( OK=>0, WARNING=>1, CRITICAL=>2, UNKNOWN=>3 ); my $temperature; my $status=$ERRORS{OK};; my $message; my $debug_flag=0; our($opt_c, $opt_w, $opt_W, $opt_C, $opt_h, $opt_o, $opt_i); getopts("w:W:c:C:ho:i:"); sub printhelp () { print "Usage: check_1-wiretemp [-h] -c lowtempcritical -w lowtempwarning -W higtempwarning -C higtempcritical -i id [-o owserver:port]\n"; print "-h Help, this text\n-c num Critical threshold for low temp\n-w num Warning threshold for low temp\n"; print "-W num Warning threshold for hightemp\n-C num Critical threshold for hightemp\n"; print "-o <name|ip>:port, Servername of 1-wire server and portnumber the owserver use, default\n"; print "-i 1-wire ID, i.e. 10.DEF05F01080015\n"; print "\n\t\tby Peter Andersson\n\t\tpeter\\n\t\t\n"; if ($debug_flag) { print "opt_c:$opt_c opt_w:$opt_w opt_W:$opt_W opt_C:$opt_C opt_h:$opt_h owserver:$owserver opt_i:$opt_i Temperture:$temperature\n"; } exit $status; } #sanity check if (!defined $opt_c||!defined $opt_w||!defined $opt_W||!defined $opt_C||$opt_h) { $status= $ERRORS{UNKNOWN}; &printhelp; } elsif ($opt_c > $opt_w) { print "Critical low threshold must be higher or equal to warning low threshold\n"; $status= $ERRORS{UNKNOWN}; &printhelp; } elsif ($opt_w > $opt_W || $opt_c > $opt_C) { print "Lower tresholds must be lower then higher thresholds\n"; $status= $ERRORS{UNKNOWN}; &printhelp; } elsif ($opt_C < $opt_W) { print "Higher critical threshold must be higher or equal to higher warning threshold\n"; $status= $ERRORS{UNKNOWN}; &printhelp; } if ($opt_o) { $owserver = $opt_o; } unless(OW::init($owserver)) { $status = $ERRORS{CRIT}; $message = "OWServer not running at $owserver\n"; exit $status; } $temperature = OW::get("$opt_i/temperature"); $temperature =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/; #remove whitespaces unless (($temperature =~ /^-?(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)$/) || ($temperature =~ /^[+-]?\d+$/)) #check that it is an integer or decimal returned { $message="Did not got an integer or a decimal from temperature probe"; $status=$ERRORS{CRITICAL}; } $temperature = sprintf("%.2f", $temperature); if ($debug_flag) { print "opt_c:$opt_c opt_w:$opt_w opt_W:$opt_W opt_C:$opt_C opt_h:$opt_h owserver:$owserver opt_i:$opt_i Temperture:$temperature\n"; } if ($temperature <= $opt_c) { $status=$ERRORS{CRITICAL}; $message="CRITICAL"; } elsif ($temperature > $opt_c && $temperature <= $opt_w) { $status=$ERRORS{WARNING}; $message="WARNING"; } elsif ($temperature > $opt_w && $temperature < $opt_W) { $status=$ERRORS{OK}; $message="OK"; } elsif ($temperature >= $opt_W && $temperature < $opt_C) { $status=$ERRORS{WARNING}; $message="WARNING"; } elsif ($temperature >= $opt_C) { $status=$ERRORS{CRITICAL}; $message="CRITICAL"; } else { #This should never happend $status=$ERRORS{UNKNOWN}; $message="UNKNOW"; } print "$message: $temperature C\|temperature=$temperature;$opt_c;$opt_w;$opt_W;$opt_C\n"; exit $status;
The Metadata in op5 Monitor /opt/monitor/etc/checkcommands.cfg or Nagios checkcommands.cfg:
# command 'check_1-wiretemp' define command{ command_name check_1-wiretemp command_line $USER1$/custom/check_1-wiretemp -c $ARG1$ -w $ARG2$ -W$ARG3$ -C$ARG4$ -i $ARG5$ -o $ARG6$ }
The service command definitions /opt/monitor/etc/services.cfg:
# service 'Temperature Outdoor' define service{ use default-service host_name monitor service_description Temperature Outdoor check_command check_1-wiretemp!-20!-15!25!30!10.DEF05F01080015! contact_groups call_it-slav,it-slav_mail }
The graph map /opt/monitor/op5/nagiosgraph/map_custom/
# # # Service type: 1-wire-temperature # output: OK: 22.88 C # perfdata: temperature=2.56;-20;-15;25;30 /perfdata:temperature=(-?\d+.\d+);(-?\d+);(-?\d+);(-?\d+);(-?\d+)/ and push @s, [ temperature, [ "current", GAUGE, $1 ], [ "critical_low", GAUGE, $2 ], [ "warning_low", GAUGE, $3 ], [ "warning_high", GAUGE, $4 ], [ "critical_high", GAUGE, $5 ] ];Hint: If you do not want to graph the thresholds remove $2, $3 ,$4, $5 gauges
Step by step guide
Step by step guide for op5 Monitor users, Nagios (or op5 Monitor) users can copy and paste the information above to the configuration files:
1. Copy the plugin to the correct path, i.e. /opt/plugins/custom/
2. Test the plugin
[root@op5 custom]# ./check_1-wiretemp -c 0 -w 1 -W 20 -C 23 -i 10.DEF05F01080015 OK: 3.56 C|temperature=3.56;0;1;20;23
Yes it works!
3. Define the command in op5 Monitor (in Nagios edit the
Choose "Add new command"
command name: check_1-wiretemp
command line: $USER1$/custom/check_1-wiretemp -c $ARG1$ -w $ARG2$ -W$ARG3$ -C$ARG4$ -i $ARG5$ -o $ARG6$
Press Apply button
To test:
Press Test this command
Change $ARG1$ $ARG2$ and so on to:
/opt/plugins/custom/check_1-wiretemp -c 0 -w 1 -W20 -C23 -i 10.DEF05F01080015 -o
Press continue
And the test works
Press "Save" to update the configuration files.
4. Configure the check_1-wiretemp
Press "Configure"
Pick the host, i.e. monitor
Press "Go"
Click "Services for monitor"
Choose "Add new service"
Service description i.e: Temperature Outdoor
check_command: check_1-wiretemp
check_command_args: -20!-15!25!30!10.DEF05F01080015!
(Critical low -20 C, Warning low -15 C, Warning high 25 C, Critical High 30 C, ID #10.DEF05F01080015, Host, port 3001)
Choose contact groups according to your preferences
To test, press "Test this service"
If everything looks fine press "Save" and your temperature service check is defined.
5. Create graphs
Copy and paste from above and put it in /opt/monitor/op5/nagiosgraph/map_custom/
Congratulations, now you monitor your temperature and get alarms if it falls aout och thresholds.
6 Responses to “op5 Monitor or Nagios plugin for 1-wire temperature measurement”
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November 24th, 2008 at 5:05 am
[…] bookmarks tagged plugin op5 Monitor or Nagios plugin for 1-wire temperatur… saved by 3 others hannahmontana64 bookmarked on 11/23/08 | […]
March 7th, 2009 at 10:31 pm
[…] In an earlier article I have described a 1-wire temperature plugin. […]
November 20th, 2009 at 12:25 pm
hi peter,
cool script … but
ran into problems with the embedded perl in nagios
# nagios: -epn
in your script resolved the problem
have fun
March 20th, 2015 at 2:41 pm
got this message:
root@raspberrypi:/opt/fhem# /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_1-wiretemp -o -i 10.67C6697351FF
Can’t locate in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.14.2 /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.14 /usr/share/perl/5.14 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_1-wiretemp line 13.
BEGIN failed–compilation aborted at /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_1-wiretemp line 13.
root@raspberrypi:/opt/fhem# mcedit /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_1-wiretemp
Can you help me?
March 21st, 2015 at 10:27 am
Have you installed OWFS including perlmodules?
March 24th, 2015 at 11:09 am
Okay 😀
I’ve install:
libow-perl and owfs-common, python-ow
now it works. Don’t know which package was needet.
Thank you!