On my electricity meter I have a flashing LED. 1000 flashes is 1 watthour.
As a monitor geek I want to know my powerconsumption and find a 1-wire kit containing a counter and a sensor that could detect the flashing from the electricity meter.
I wrote a script that collect the data in an RRD database and graph it.
The script
#!/usr/bin/perl # By Peter Andersson # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # use RRDs; use OW; # define location of rrdtool databases my $rrd = '/root/owfs/script/rrd_db'; # define location of images my $img = '/home/peter/public_html/1-wire/energy'; # process data for each interface (add/delete as required) &ProcessSensor(0, "Anderssons power consumption", "mother.mynet" , "3001" , "1D.A4F10C000000"); sub ProcessSensor { # process sensor # inputs: $_[0]: sensor number (ie, 0/1/2/etc) # $_[1]: sensor description print "number:$_[0] desc:$_[1], server:$_[2] port:$_[3], id: $_[4]\n"; my $owserver = "$_[2]:$_[3]"; unless(OW::init($owserver)) { $status = $ERRORS{CRIT}; $message = "OWServer not running at $owserver\n"; exit $status; } # get temperature from sensor my $handle = OW::get("$_[4]/counters.A"); # print "handle=$handle\n"; $handle =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/; ## Check if input is an integer or decimal unless (($handle =~ /^-?(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)$/) || ($handle =~ /^[+-]?\d+$/)) { print "Not an integer or a decimal\n"; return($ERRORS{CRITICAL}); } $count=$handle; # remove eol chars chomp($count); print "sensor $_[0]: $count \n"; # if rrdtool database doesn't exist, create it if (! -e "$rrd/energy$_[0].rrd") { print "creating rrd database for energy sensor $_[0]...\n"; RRDs::create "$rrd/energy$_[0].rrd", "-s 60", "DS:energy:COUNTER:1200:0:U", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:43200", "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:30:175200"; } if ($ERROR = RRDs::error) { print "$0: failed to create $_[0] database file: $ERROR\n"; } # check for error code from count sensor #if (int $count eq 85) #{ # print "failed to read value from sensor $_[0]\n"; #} #else #{ # insert values into rrd RRDs::update "$rrd/energy$_[0].rrd", "-t", "energy", "N:$count"; if ($ERROR = RRDs::error) { print "$0: failed to insert $_[0] data into rrd: $ERROR\n"; } #} # create graphs for current sensor &CreateGraph($_[0], "day", $_[1], 3600, hourly); &CreateGraph($_[0], "week", $_[1], 3600*24, daily); &CreateGraph($_[0], "month", $_[1], 3600*24*7, weekly); &CreateGraph($_[0], "year", $_[1], 3600*24*7*30, monthly); &CreateGraph($_[0], "decade", $_[1], 3600*24*7*365, yearly); } sub CreateGraph { # creates graph # inputs: $_[0]: sensor number (ie, 0/1/2/etc) # $_[1]: interval (ie, day, week, month, year) # $_[2]: sensor description # $_[3]: Moving avarage timeperiod # $_[4]: Moving avarage timeperiod unit print "Create graph $_[0], interval: $_[1], Moving avarage timeperiod: $_[3]s and moving avarage unit: $_[4]\n"; RRDs::graph "$img/energy$_[0]-$_[1].png", "-s -1$_[1]", "-t $_[2]-$_[1]", "-h", "400", "-w", "1000", "-a", "PNG", "-v Watt", "--slope-mode", "-W", "WWW.It-Slave.Net - An It-Slave In The Digital Saltmine", "-l", "0", "DEF:energy=$rrd/energy$_[0].rrd:energy:AVERAGE:start=end-$_[3]s-1$_[1]", "CDEF:W=energy,3600,*", "CDEF:mean=W,$_[3],TREND", "AREA:mean#FF000044", "LINE1:mean#A00000:Moving average $_[4]:", "AREA:W#AAAAee99", "LINE1:W#AAAAEEFF:Power consumption\\n", "CDEF:energyK=energy,1000,/", "VDEF:value_sum=energyK,TOTAL", "GPRINT:value_sum:Total consumption last $_[1]\\:%0.2lfkWh\\n", "GPRINT:W:MIN:Instantaneous consumption\\: Min\\:%0.2lf%sW", "GPRINT:W:AVERAGE:Average\\:%0.2lf%sW", "GPRINT:W:MAX:Max\\:%0.2lf%sW", "GPRINT:W:LAST:Now\\:%0.2lf%sW\\n"; # "COMMENT:\n WWW.It-Slav.Net - An It-Slave In The Digital Saltmine"; if ($ERROR = RRDs::error) { print "$0: unable to generate sensor $_[0] $_[1] graph: $ERROR\n"; } }
- sells 1-wire things and other good stuff
- owfs-free implementation to use 1-wire devices
- Other articles about 1-wire at It-Slave blog
- My graphs
February 12th, 2012 at 11:20 pm
82 kWh per day – are you running a data center?
February 13th, 2012 at 8:46 am
Yes, a small one at home.
October 4th, 2012 at 8:31 am
hello ,
i would like to monitor gas usage. 1 click is 0,1 m3. I dont know where in script must i change that it will count right ?
Thank you for the answer.