My son got the amazing game Minecraft as a birthday present. Of course I think I should provide the service to him and his friends to have a couple of minecraftservers to be able to play together.
Soon it became business critical and I started to think about how to monitor that the Minecraft server is up and running. After searchin Internet I did not find anything that worked so I decided to write my own.
I'm using the possibility to connect to the Rconn inteface at the Minecraftserver so it needs to be ebabled. Normaly by adding to Minecraft
rcon.password=fjollboll rcon.port=25578
I'm running the plugin on a vanilla Centos 6.3 box, and a perl CPAN module needs to be installed. Simply run the following command to install:
cpan Minecraft::RCON
I assume the reader knows howto monitor the basic stuff like: CPU usage, processes running, RAM usage, disk usage, disk I/O usage and everything else that should always be monitored on a system running business critical services.
Monitor the server
The easiest way to monitor that an instance of Minecraft server is running is to using check_tcp and the port defined for the server. However I read on some forums that the Minecraft server could hang and the tcp port still respond. So I wrote a plugin that connects to the Minecraft Rconn interface.
#!/usr/bin/perl # Hint at #Licence GPLv2 use Minecraft::RCON; use Getopt::Std; use strict; open STDERR, '>>/dev/null' or die "Can't write to /dev/null: $!"; my(%ERRORS) = ( OK=>0, WARNING=>1, CRITICAL=>2, UNKNOWN=>3 ); my $status=$ERRORS{OK};; my $rconresult; my $numplayers; my $maxplayers; my $players; my $message="OK"; our($opt_c, $opt_w, $opt_p, $opt_P, $opt_h, $opt_H); getopts("p:P:hH:"); my $debug_flag=0; sub printhelp () { print "Usage: check_minecraft [-h] -p password -P port -H host\n"; print "-h Help, this text\n"; print "-p password for rcon\n-P port number for rcon\n"; print "-H ip-adress or servername of minecraftserver\n"; print "\n\t\tby Peter Andersson\n\t\tpeter\\n\t\t\n"; if ($debug_flag) { print "opt_c:$opt_c opt_w:$opt_w opt_p:$opt_p opt_P:$opt_P opt_h:$opt_h opt_H:$opt_H\n"; } exit $status; } #sanity check if (!defined $opt_p||!defined $opt_P||$opt_h||!defined $opt_H) { $status= $ERRORS{UNKNOWN}; &printhelp; } my $rcon = Minecraft::RCON->new( { address => $opt_H, port => $opt_P, password => $opt_p } ); if ($rcon->connect){ $rconresult = $rcon->command('list'); $_=$rconresult; if (/There are (\d+)\/(\d+) players online:(.*)/) { $status= $ERRORS{OK}; } } else { print "CRITICAL - Could not connect to Minecraft server!\n"; # Error capturing and fetching is in the works... $status= $ERRORS{CRITICAL}; exit $status; } $rcon->disconnect; print "OK - Minecraft server is running\n"; exit $status;
Monitor the numer of users
I think it would be interesting to monitor and graph the number of users using a Minecraft instance. Of course it returns perfdata for graphing.
#!/usr/bin/perl # Hint at # License GPLv2 use Minecraft::RCON; use Getopt::Std; use strict; my(%ERRORS) = ( OK=>0, WARNING=>1, CRITICAL=>2, UNKNOWN=>3 ); my $status=$ERRORS{OK};; my $rconresult; my $numplayers; my $maxplayers; my $players; my $message="OK"; our($opt_c, $opt_w, $opt_p, $opt_P, $opt_h, $opt_H); getopts("c:w:p:P:hH:"); my $debug_flag=0; sub printhelp () { print "Usage: check_minecraftusesr [-h] -c critical -w warning -p password -P port -H host\n"; print "-h Help, this text\n-c num Critical threshold for number of players\n-w num Warning threshold for number of players\n"; print "-p password for rcon\n-P port number for rcon\n"; print "-H ip-adress or servername of minecraftserver\n"; print "\n\t\tby Peter Andersson\n\t\tpeter\\n\t\t\n"; if ($debug_flag) { print "opt_c:$opt_c opt_w:$opt_w opt_p:$opt_p opt_P:$opt_P opt_h:$opt_h opt_H:$opt_H\n"; } exit $status; } #sanity check if (!defined $opt_c||!defined $opt_w||!defined $opt_p||!defined $opt_P||$opt_h||!defined $opt_H) { $status= $ERRORS{UNKNOWN}; &printhelp; } elsif ($opt_c < $opt_w) { print "Critical threshold must be higher or equal to warning threshold\n"; $status= $ERRORS{UNKNOWN}; &printhelp; } my $rcon = Minecraft::RCON->new( { address => $opt_H, port => $opt_P, password => $opt_p } ); if ($rcon->connect){ $rconresult = $rcon->command('list'); $_=$rconresult; if (/There are (\d+)\/(\d+) players online:(.*)/) { $numplayers=$1; $maxplayers=$2; $players=$3; $players=~tr/a-zA-Z0-9 _,.-//cd; if ($debug_flag) { print "Number of players: $numplayers\n"; print "Max players are: $maxplayers\n"; print "Players are: $players\n"; } } } else { print "Could not connect to Minecraft server!\n"; # Error capturing and fetching is in the works... $status= $ERRORS{CRITICAL}; exit $status; } $rcon->disconnect; if ($numplayers >= $opt_w) { $status= $ERRORS{WARNING}; $message="WARNING"; } if ($numplayers >= $opt_c) { $status= $ERRORS{CRITICAL}; $message="CRITICAL"; } chomp ($players); if ($numplayers > 0) { print "$message:Number of players are $numplayers out of maximum $maxplayers. Players are: $players|players=$numplayers;$opt_w;$opt_c;0;$maxplayers;\n"; } else { print "$message:Number of players are $numplayers out of maximum $maxplayers.|players=$numplayers;$opt_w;$opt_c;0;$maxplayers;\n"; } #print "$message: Number of players are $numplayers out of maximum $maxplayers:$players\|players=$numplayers\n"; exit $status;
Defining the commands in op5 Monitor or nagios
# command 'check_minecraft_server' define command{ command_name check_minecraft_server command_line $USER1$/custom/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p $ARG1$ -P $ARG2$ } # command 'check_minecraft_users' define command{ command_name check_minecraft_users command_line $USER1$/custom/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p $ARG1$ -P $ARG2$ -w $ARG3$ -c $ARG4$ }
The result
Monitoring the number of users
Graphing the number of users
Using op5 BSM module to show the Business Service Minecraft
- MInecraft: an amazing game.
- op5 Monitor, an enterpise class monitoring system based on Nagios
- Nagios, an open and free tool for monitoring
- BSM, op5 Business Service Management
I would also want to thank Mattias Ryrlen at op5, for helping me troubleshoot garbage characters from Rconn.
December 21st, 2012 at 2:16 pm
Awesome bud, thanks for this! Works like a charm on a vanilla server but probably needs a few tweaks to work well with bukkit for us who use mods on our servers.
You should add a few checks on the server-logs as well as there's a few errors good to know about when running these business critical systems as we all know to well what happens if they don't work 100%…
I've set up check_logfiles from our friends at consol: specifying a simple search like this:
@searches = (
tag => 'mc_server.log',
logfile => '/home/mcadmin/minecraft_server/server.log',
criticalpatterns => 'SEVERE',
warningpatterns => 'WARNING',
options => 'sticky=600, perfdata'
and a command like so:
/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_logfiles –config /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_logfiles.cfg
Thanks mate!