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Peter Andersson

I've already got a female to worry about. Her name is the Enterprise.
-- Kirk, "The Corbomite Maneuver", stardate 1514.0

I'm real disappointed at Samsung handling when it comes to update of my tablet.


I bought the best Android tablet on the market in October 2011, it was a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1" with 3G, GT-P7500.  According to information from Samsung they would provide Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich as soon as possible. The main reason why I payed over 460EUR for the device was that I wanted to have the possibilty to run Ice Cream Sandwich on it as soon as possible.


After 14 months I'm still waiting.


During the summer 2012 Samsung started to roll out Ice Cream Sandwich on the Galaxy Tab 10.1" around the globe. On the Samsung webpage they planed to roll out in Q4 2012 in Sweden.

I have written a several times to Samsung and asked why I still cannot upgrade my Tablet and the answer I've got is that the bundle I have will be possible to update anyday. 


Samsung, it is NOT acceptable to wait over a year for an upgrade on a device that has a lifetime of 2 years. 


My next tablet will be a Nexus.

One Response to “Shame on you Samsung”

  1. Shame on you Samsung Says:

    […] http://www.it-slav.net Tags bought-the-bestcreamfrom-samsungice cream sandwichoctober-2011sandwichsappointed-at-samsungtablet […]

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