Welcome to It-Slav.Net blog
Peter Andersson

I've already got a female to worry about. Her name is the Enterprise.
-- Kirk, "The Corbomite Maneuver", stardate 1514.0

When there is summer and Scandinavia closes down it is hard to be a geek. Everybody, including me, moves out to small cottages in the forrest where 3G coverage is bad which gives low bandwidth a new meaning.    I have found one way of still doing geeky things combined with vacation. That is update […]

Background I wanted to use a 3G dongle with a twin SIM card as my Internet connection when I’m traveling. I have earlier decribed howto share the Internet connection and make it more flexible by using an OpenWRT router with USB interface as a bridge between Wlan and 3G/GPRS provided internet. Unfortunatly Tele2s support personel cannot keep track of […]

  Background After waiting for the Hummingbird release for the LaFonera 2.0G a long time and discussed with the Fon support team when 3G dongles will work, I gave up and installed OpenWRT on my LaFonera 2.0G router.   I’m sorry FON, you have a cool idea and nice routers but your unlogical approach to the users […]

Background After succesfully installed my new Linksys WRT160NL with OpenWrt, the next step is to configure it. As the summer is approaching and my need for Internet access in our summer cottage will arrise. The summer cottage is in the middle of nowhere so it would be handy to put a USB dongle and the […]

  Background After getting fedup with the bad fon support I decided to give a new wireless router a try. After browsing internet and openwrt forums I thought that a Linksys WRT160NL would fulfill my requirements: The requrements are: N 3G USB dongle Cheap  


This is old news but still important.   – OpenBSD 4.7 RELEASED ————————————————- May 19, 2010. We are pleased to announce the official release of OpenBSD 4.7. This is our 27th release on CD-ROM (and 28th via FTP). We remain proud of OpenBSD’s record of more than ten years with only two remote holes in […]

  I’m the happay owner of a Huawei E1750 modem and it is real easy to get it running in Ubuntu. This guide will probably work with many other 3G USB modems. Just type from the command line: sudo apt-get install usb-modeswitch Plug in the modem Go to the Network manager and enter your Mobile Broadband […]

UPDATE 2014-07-07: op5 has released a native mobile app that are secure and uses op5 Monitor APIs. Please read more at: http://www.it-slav.net/blogs/2014/07/07/op5-releases-mobile-app-for-secure-monitoring-on-mobile-devices/     With my new and fancy HTC Desire I wanted to look at my Nagios or op5 Monitor status. I have found two apps Nagroid and NagMonDroid.  

  I wanted to use the Android SDK on my Ubuntu machine, mainly to grab screenshoots but also to play around with it.   I followed the guidelines at this guide, but it did not work. DDM just show garbage as the device and when trying to get a screenshoot it complained with: 54:42 W/ddms: […]

After waiting for several weeks, my new phone, a HTC Desire has finally arrived. I have been a heavy cellphone user since started working as a Tivoli consultant in -98. I bought my first cellphone -94 and have had several so called smart phones both from Nokia and Ericsson.   For the first time I […]

Book reviews
FreePBX 2.5
Powerful Telephony Solutions

Asterisk 1.6
Build a feature rich telephony system with Asterisk

Learning NAGIOS 3.0

Cacti 0.8 Network Monitoring,
Monitor your network with ease!