Welcome to It-Slav.Net blog
Peter Andersson

I've already got a female to worry about. Her name is the Enterprise.
-- Kirk, "The Corbomite Maneuver", stardate 1514.0

This guide describe howto install and configure SNMP on Ubuntu. In an earlier article I have described howto set it up on RHES or CentOS, it is slightly different in Ubuntu.     1.Installation root@ibsen:~# sudo apt-get install snmpd Reading package lists… Done Building dependency tree       Reading state information… Done The following packages were automatically […]

At my home the most critical system is the MythTV system and a MythTV downtime will create a revolt at home. This article will describe howto make sure that a MythTV backend can be surveillanced with Nagios or op5 Monitor. I have in earlier articles described howto install and configure both the backend and the […]


Background In earlier articles I’ve described howto install mythbuntu and configure the backend In this article I assume that you have a workin Xbox with a quit new version of XBMC. Download xbmcmythtv The xbmcmythtv is not being maintained anymore so the version downloadable from http://sourceforge.net/projects/xbmcmythtv/ does not work with newer versions of MythTV. However, […]

Part1 can be found here. Start To configure the newly installed MythTV system run: mythtv-setup The settings will we be default if nothing else is mentioned.


After my hard disk crash, I’ve been struggling a couple of nights to get my MythTV system with a Xbox frontend working. Tonight I managed to get every piece together and it works. It has been frustrating and quite painful to get it working, Google has been my friend, A MythTV installation consist of many […]


My MythTV systems root disk crashed so I need to reinstall it. I will keep my progress posted in this blog. The Backend hardware: IBM Desktop PIII 800Mhz 512 Mb memory 120 Gb disk Hauppauge PVR-350 The frontend hardware is an old Xbox, with XBMC. I downloaded Mythbuntu and installed it on the MythTV backend […]


The new features include: Support for 64bit OS op5 Monitor 4.1 will support the 64bit versions of RedHat and CentOS. New improved performance graphs The new feature provides automatic graphing for all graphable performance data (based on pnp4Nagios). This means that you will get graphs for most of your hosts and services with no effort. […]

The most critical system in my home crashed today. The root disk of my MythTV system give me strange sounds and the BIOS does not detect that the harddrive is connected.


I have a modern laptop with 4Gb memory so in theory I should gain from running 64 bit Linux. I installed Ubuntu 8.10 Desktop x86_64 and had som problems with: Java based webpages Flash I spend several hours with google and tested several versions av java and flash plugins. I managed to get flash running […]

To get output to an LCD display 1-wire can be used. This article will describe how to that and include an example to get status from Nagios or op5 Monitor on the display. I use it to get a quick overview how my DataCenter is doing. When the LCD display is flashing something has either […]

Book reviews
FreePBX 2.5
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Asterisk 1.6
Build a feature rich telephony system with Asterisk

Learning NAGIOS 3.0

Cacti 0.8 Network Monitoring,
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