Welcome to It-Slav.Net blog
Peter Andersson

I've already got a female to worry about. Her name is the Enterprise.
-- Kirk, "The Corbomite Maneuver", stardate 1514.0

If you are thinking about upgrading your existing Nagios system to Nagios 3, take a look at op5 Monitor. op5 Monitor is a Network Monitor System for enterprise monitoring and its based on Nagios 3. op5 have bundled Nagios with other useful opensource projects such as nagiosgraph, smstools and hypermap and then further developed missing […]

After got the 1-wire stuff working it is time to use the temperature probes to get some use of measuring your environment. This article describe how you can create an op5 Monitor or Nagios plugin to monitor your temperatures. Read my previous articles to get the 1-wire bus up and running: 1-wire http://www.it-slav.net/blogs/?p=62 1-wire getting […]

A new howto has been released, it describes how to Monitor Microsoft SQL-server with op5 Monitor. Take a look here. For more information about op5 Monitor, look here.


To make everybody on your office jealous buy a binary watch. It shows the time in a semi binary format. I think a true geek watch should show the number of seconds since epoch in binary, but a very few could translate that to time used in the normal world. Thinkgeek is the obvius place […]

This guide describe howto install and do a basic configure of SNMP on a RedHat Enterprise Linux or CentOS. Probably it will work on many other *nix systems. 1. Installation Run command yum install net-snmp-utils [root@dull etc]# yum install net-snmp-utils Loading "fastestmirror" plugin Loading "dellsysidplugin" plugin … … Dependencies Resolved ============================================================================= Package Arch Version Repository […]


If you think Nagios got everything you need except nice reports. op5 Monitor has the solution to this issue. op5 have customers that are using op5 Monitor just for the reporting part and using other tools for monitoring. op5 has put alot of resources into reporting because that is the feedback we got from our […]


If you have problem of keeping track of your video collection. I can recommend VideoDB. It is web based and you enter the name of the movie you want add and VideoDB connects to IMDB and suggest which movie you meant. When you have picked the correct movie it automatically adds thumbnail, plot and the […]

Filled Under: english, Hints, movies

When I updated my CentOS system and could not mount XFS file system and my op5 Monitor did not react. I even run check_disk on these mount points but op5 Monitor did not tell me that anything was wrong. So when I managed to get the system to boot and my monitoring system tell me […]


Yesterday new CentOS kernels was released and could be updated with yum update. I did that on 3 systems and none of them worked afterwards. The first system is the machine that runs this blog. It runs Xen kernel with two virtual system.Luckily the webserver and database runs in Dom0. After update the system did […]

Filled Under: centos, english, sysadmin, xen

This is real fun. I found another It-Slav with a blog “En it-slav i samhällets tjänst“. He seems to been blogging since 2006 and likes food. Thanks once again for copying a winner. For reference see my other blog about Copy Cat.

Book reviews
FreePBX 2.5
Powerful Telephony Solutions

Asterisk 1.6
Build a feature rich telephony system with Asterisk

Learning NAGIOS 3.0

Cacti 0.8 Network Monitoring,
Monitor your network with ease!