op5 Announces Global Partner TruePath Technologies, Inc. For U.S. Markets FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -August 5, 2009-Swedish OS Management IT monitoring software developer, op5, announced today their partnership alliance with American company TruePath Technologies, Inc. – one of the premier monitoring service companies in the United States.
Next week, op5 will release the new Nagios GUI called Ninja. The license is GPL and several people has reported the GUI work perfectly well on vanilla Nagios. Ninja uses a database backend. Merlin, another op5 developed software feeds the Nagios information into the database. Links: op5 -OpenSource based management software company Ninja– Nagios […]
I noticed that my blog become slower and slower by using op5 Monitor and webinject, see previous article. From installation 2.5 seconds to over 7.5 seconds to run my testcases. The most annoying was that the it was a very linear increase see graphs below. My first try was to tune MySQL By installing wp-cache […]
Op5 has written an excellent article howto monitor Esx3.x, ESXi, vSphere 4 and vCenter Server with op5 Monitor. This article is op5 Monitor centric but op5 Monitor is based on Nagios so this article can be used to implement Nagios vmware monitoring. The plugin used to gather the information is GPLd and developed by op5. […]
Background This article is describing best practice I have collected after a 10 year period with Systems- and Network management. My role has varied between consultant, trainer, systems engineer, project manager and architect. Very many programs creates log files. They are great for trouble shooting and in some cases the only place to find […]
Background As a former Novell employee there is one software I really miss and that is iFolder. It is an excellent file syncronization software. You configure iFolder where your local iFolder files are located and what server to syncronize against. Do a sync and now they are avilable at any iFolder instance if you sync […]
I have moved my blog from one system to another and at the same time upgrade to the latest and greatest WordPress version. Using the default link structure in WordPress gives links like: http://www.it-slav.net/blogs/?p=115 when a more logical link name is: http://www.it-slav.net/blogs/2008/11/17/op5-monitor-or-nagios-plugins-for-1-wire-temperature-measurement/ The more logical name gives date and title of the blog post instead […]
I’ll attend this years Slackathlon in Stockholm. I hope I will see you there Welcome to this years Slackathon! It will be held August 15th, at the Stockholm University, though not in the same conference room as the previous years, since it couldn’t hold all visitors anymore! As previous years, the website is slowly getting […]
At op5 we are using Webex as conferance tool. I’ve been struggeling to get it running on Ubuntu 9.04 and I have finally got it to work. Just run: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras sudo apt-get install libstdc++5 and now it works perfectly well.
An interesting article describing howto use Skype to send SMS notification for Nagios or op5 Monitor can be find here: http://wiki.nagios.org/index.php/SkypeSmsNotification My recommendation is to use an GSM modem to send SMS, because if the network is down no SMS can be sent with this solution and SMS is normally used as an alternative alarm […]