Welcome to It-Slav.Net blog
Peter Andersson

I've already got a female to worry about. Her name is the Enterprise.
-- Kirk, "The Corbomite Maneuver", stardate 1514.0

Background As an increasing number of system administrators turn to mobile devices to access information on server and network status, the number of mobile security attacks are drastically increasing. op5 addresses the issues by introducing a secure mobile app, offering IT staff a convenient and safe path to mobile server monitoring.   Accessing your Nagios-based […]

Background As a happy owner of a pebble watch I want my op5 Monitor notifications to it. This is a simple guide howto get notifications sent directly tt a pebble watch. My phone is an Android and probably there is similar ways of getting it working on iphone aswell. The guide will work on Nagios […]


I'm real disappointed at Samsung handling when it comes to update of my tablet.   I bought the best Android tablet on the market in October 2011, it was a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1" with 3G, GT-P7500.  According to information from Samsung they would provide Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich as soon as possible. The […]

Filled Under: Android

When there is summer and Scandinavia closes down it is hard to be a geek. Everybody, including me, moves out to small cottages in the forrest where 3G coverage is bad which gives low bandwidth a new meaning.    I have found one way of still doing geeky things combined with vacation. That is update […]

Background Finally it has arrived, Android 2.2 Froyo to HTC Desire. When I installed it I run into several problems and this is my guide how I solved it. It was a rather frustration experience and took a long while to solve. I ended up with a phone where almost everything was gone and I […]

Background I wanted to use a 3G dongle with a twin SIM card as my Internet connection when I’m traveling. I have earlier decribed howto share the Internet connection and make it more flexible by using an OpenWRT router with USB interface as a bridge between Wlan and 3G/GPRS provided internet. Unfortunatly Tele2s support personel cannot keep track of […]

  I found a new favorite app to my Android, mythmote. By using it you can turn your Android into a remote control for MythTV. On the mythfrontend telnet control must be enbled and it is found under Setup-Setup-General and check  "Enable Network Remote Control Interface". The Android uses wifi to connect to the telnet […]

Filled Under: Android

UPDATE 2014-07-07: op5 has released a native mobile app that are secure and uses op5 Monitor APIs. Please read more at: http://www.it-slav.net/blogs/2014/07/07/op5-releases-mobile-app-for-secure-monitoring-on-mobile-devices/     With my new and fancy HTC Desire I wanted to look at my Nagios or op5 Monitor status. I have found two apps Nagroid and NagMonDroid.  

  I wanted to use the Android SDK on my Ubuntu machine, mainly to grab screenshoots but also to play around with it.   I followed the guidelines at this guide, but it did not work. DDM just show garbage as the device and when trying to get a screenshoot it complained with: 54:42 W/ddms: […]

After waiting for several weeks, my new phone, a HTC Desire has finally arrived. I have been a heavy cellphone user since started working as a Tivoli consultant in -98. I bought my first cellphone -94 and have had several so called smart phones both from Nokia and Ericsson.   For the first time I […]

Book reviews
FreePBX 2.5
Powerful Telephony Solutions

Asterisk 1.6
Build a feature rich telephony system with Asterisk

Learning NAGIOS 3.0

Cacti 0.8 Network Monitoring,
Monitor your network with ease!