Welcome to It-Slav.Net blog
Peter Andersson

I've already got a female to worry about. Her name is the Enterprise.
-- Kirk, "The Corbomite Maneuver", stardate 1514.0

To verify that your site is available from many places around the world use http://just-ping.com/ This is how the test of pinging my host www.it-slav.net looks like: location result min. rrt avg. rrt max. rrt Santa Clara, U.S.A. Okay 190.9 192.3 193.8 Florida, U.S.A. Okay 162.3 163.3 164.6 New York, U.S.A. Okay 126.5 127.8 129.1 […]

A hint for unix or linux gurus is to take a peak at Unix Guru Universe: http://www.ugu.com. I really like the UGU tip of the day with handy tips, howto, do not and so on… Subscribe today and learn more and more everyday


I have noticed the last 2 days that I did not receive as many mails as I usually do. The whole family has been ill the last couple of days so I did not spend any time troubleshoot that. But today I noticed that I’ve only got 1 mail so something must be wrong. I […]


I use alot of downloaded tools from internet, very often they are written in Perl. In most cases the perl programs are dependent of some CPAN module. The easiest way to install a perl module (in my opinion) is to run: perl -MCPAN -e ‘install <perl module name>’ i.e. perl -MCPAN -e ‘install Jcode’ to […]

Filled Under: english, Hints, sysadmin

This guide is a step by step guide howto integrate op5 Monitor with op5 Logserver. Background I would like to have an alert if root has logged into my firewall. I think this is very important to know fast and where ever I am so I want a SMS sent to my cellphone. I have […]

After got the 1-wire stuff working it is time to use the temperature probes to get some use of measuring your environment. This article describe how you can create an op5 Monitor or Nagios plugin to monitor your temperatures. Read my previous articles to get the 1-wire bus up and running: 1-wire http://www.it-slav.net/blogs/?p=62 1-wire getting […]

Now when my blog is growing a need for backup is growing. After a short google search I found exactly what I want, automysqlbackup. It is a shell script that has very modest requirements list: mysqldump, included in mysql client gzip or bzip2 if you want it compressed. mail if you want the status of […]

Filled Under: bash, Hints, sysadmin

This guide describe howto install and do a basic configure of SNMP on a RedHat Enterprise Linux or CentOS. Probably it will work on many other *nix systems. 1. Installation Run command yum install net-snmp-utils [root@dull etc]# yum install net-snmp-utils Loading "fastestmirror" plugin Loading "dellsysidplugin" plugin … … Dependencies Resolved ============================================================================= Package Arch Version Repository […]


Maybe it is a unix/linux sysadmins basic knowledge how to create ssh keypairs and exchange them. Well I do not do it often enough to remember it but often enough to be irritated that I do not remember how to do it. So here is an excellent description, I will study it and cross my […]

Filled Under: Hints, sysadmin

When I updated my CentOS system and could not mount XFS file system and my op5 Monitor did not react. I even run check_disk on these mount points but op5 Monitor did not tell me that anything was wrong. So when I managed to get the system to boot and my monitoring system tell me […]

Book reviews
FreePBX 2.5
Powerful Telephony Solutions

Asterisk 1.6
Build a feature rich telephony system with Asterisk

Learning NAGIOS 3.0

Cacti 0.8 Network Monitoring,
Monitor your network with ease!